Dreams are funny. Not the hilarious kind, the peculiar kind. Sometimes the things you dream of most deeply can be elusive. They seem to run and hide. And when you finally find them, they may not look like they did when you first dreamed them. The love didn’t die but a part of you did.
You pictured what your heart and mind painted when you first dreamed your dream. It was so full of hope, a mirror image of you and all that you knew you could be and do. One minute dreaming your dream took you away from your desk at the office, your place in the assembly line, and your drive in traffic. It was an escape that you used to make it past hump day and through the rest of the week. Though you knew it involved work, it brought you peace. It helped you to see your worth and purpose in life. You knew it was possible and that you were the person to do it! But time moved forward and life took a toll. You were hurt and the damage was real. There’s no difference on the outside besides maturing that comes with time. But inwardly you know you’ll never be same. How can you possibly see life through the child-like eyes that you once did?
The changes you made along the way to adapt to the new, realistic you are good. Your character is stronger and your perseverance is longer. The things you’ve learned through the hurts won’t prevent all hurt but they gave you an education that no college degree could give you. They taught you about life! The lessons you’ve learned have formed the new you! The you that can still dream. Dream with committed purpose! Now you understand just what it takes to make your dream a reality.
Celebrate every hurt, trial and failure. You’ve passed the test. Move onward and upward. Put your past hurt to work. Make your hurt serve your future dreams and those of others. Dream beyond your hurts from the past.
Dream Now